Download page
Each film except
the trailer has a duration of 13 minutes, and has an image size of
800*600 pixels.
You can choose
between direct downloads from the table below, or 'torrent' downloads
Important :
by downloading the films, you confirm that you agree with the license
For 'torrents', you
need a program like BitTorrent, BitComet,
(Azureus) or others. A torrent will download
pieces of the file from
several computers anywhere in the world, and this can speed up the
torrent downloads.
For direct downloads:
(option-click on a Mac) the links on the
download pages and choose "Save link as..." for a film with
commentary in the indicated language.
Download the
subtitle files here.
(Subtitle files: Arabic, Bosnian, Dutch, Chinese, Czech,
French, German, Greek, Hebrew,
Italian, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese,
Roumanian, Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin), Slovenian, Spanish,
Russian and Turkish)
It is
important to keep the subtitle files in the same directory as the film
for the subtitles to work correctly.
The files are
hosted at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, and
the English and French versions are mirrored at the Povray
site, hosted by Netplex , at Tokyo
University, Japan and at the Institute
of Mathematics in Beijing, China. The Unidad Cuernavaca -
Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM,
Mexico and the Instituto Nacional
de Matemática
Pura e Aplicada (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) also host
a collection of the films.